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+117 votes
Discuss the reasons why some people might view sex in a negative light.
by (4.6k points)

25 Answers

+45 votes
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who cares? I am too sexy for this question anyway.
by (4.0k points)
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As long as the two people having sex are consenting adults, it is up to them to decide what to do behind closed doors.. As you may have heard and seen, a lot of people tend to abuse sex and each other. Perhaps this is what the writer had in mind when he wrote in the Bible about not having sex until one is married. As you know, there are many women today who are getting pregnant before marriage, and in quite a few instances, the man is either leaving, or suggesting that the child is not his.. Even some men who are married to women are saying that the child is not his. . I believe that as long as two people love each other and want to make a conscious effort to show their love, that is great.. However, many people use sex in a recreational way.. There are many young people who are having sex, and not using precaution - I read it often in yahoo answers - and those young people who are not of legal age should not be having sex until they are older and are more mature and are aware of what they are doing.. . So sex can be good, and sex can be bad - it depends upon the individual.. . As long as you follow your heart, that is what will guide you.. Don't use people for sex and don't let yourself get used for sex - unless that is where your head is - but consider the consequences of your actions.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
There are laws and there are laws. Why is speeding down a empty highway bad (can get you a ticket)? Why is walking naked down the road bad (can get you a fine or a jail term)? Why is having sex with a sister bad (protected sex with no offsprings)? Why is having sex with a minor bad (I was gentle and she was willing)?. . The statistics have shown that people who involve in pre-marital sex are more likely to get divorced than those who do not.. . But statistics apart, if God, who is the law-giver says so, just do it. It is for our own good.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
I dont think so
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Eve didn't have a lot of competition - at least for a while! To be true to your spouse for a lifetime is a beautiful thing, but esp. these days it is not that easy. The special bond of intimate love with them only is a vital part of this happening. Wait dear, it's worth it!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
it's not. basing your life on a book is bad.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
The bible tells that premarital sex is bad all because its self destruction most especially for the woman and a big disgrace for the man.... . Worst case scenario:. . your a woman and you had premarital sex with someone with AIDS, and then you get pregnant and get contaminated yourself, then the man leaves you...whatcha gonna do?
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
you know, everything is really not that big of a deal
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
In a perfect world it would be best if we all waited until marriage before we had sex. Just think about all the heartache and crap we would not go through. Unfortunately it is not easy saying no when it comes to sex. Premarital sex is a sin just like anything else that is wrong.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
That was just put in the bible to keep young girls from unwanted pregnancies. I don't think god plans to send you to Hell for that - not with all the real sin in the world. Just be careful, use protection because if you got pregnant too young or contracted a disease, that would be a sin.
by (4.7k points)