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+11 votes
What are some reasons people might disagree with same-sex couples raising children?
by (4.4k points)

3 Answers

+88 votes
Best answer
Homosexuality is an abomination. It's immoral, perverse, disgusting and young children shouldn't be subjected to facing that kind of influence day in and day out, and certainly shouldn't be made to believe that it's "OK" or perfectly acceptable.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
I don't have problem with that, but others don't think it looks normal. But, they don't realize what normal to them might not normal to others. Who sets normalcy? Is it the society? . As long as they raise the kids good and guide them to the right path.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
The only people that feel that way are ignorant individuals. They dont realize that whether they agreee with it or not life is still gonna go on and that nobody has a right to say whether it's right or wrong. That's God decision to make in the end... Im sorry but some people just really need to worry about themselves and their own lives it's really just that simple....And it doesn't matter who raises a child b/c you have so many people out there that are straight that subject their children to violence, fights, drugs,etc.... It really doesn't have nothing to do with who you choose to be with. As long as the child is being showed love and affection from both parents.....
by (4.5k points)