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+79 votes
Why do some people struggle to engage in constructive debates when they disagree with Americans?
by (4.2k points)

18 Answers

+31 votes
Best answer
How intelligent can someone be if they support open borders for arguably the most terrorist threatened country in the world and no criminal or health screening? I mean really, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's wrong with the illegal immigration picture.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
All they have is calling you a racist if you think that 20 million people wandering around the country is not a security problem.. First they call you a racist.. That just red herring.. Mexican is not a race.. Then they conjure up a word like "latinophobe".. Which they usually use in sentence like.. "you're just a latinophobe." . Usually ends in them calling you a NAZI.. . Yes America was built by immigrants.. Way way back in time.. There is nothing being built in America anymore.. . Do we need 10 million pregnant 16 year olds that can't speak English?. And another ten million guys grabbing their balls when they see 11 year old girl and saying "aye mamacita".. . A Somali right out of the refugee camp has more potential than what is coming up from Latin America.. . I ain't anti immigration but we need quality immigrants.. Not a bunch of baggage.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
probably because they aren't intellegent. they don't have anything intellegent to say so all they do is say bad words and stupid stuff. when this happens, you know you've won.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I am not quite sure of the logistics of this. Logically, you would think that since English, in general, is the language used and that they need to learn that. Even if they are planning on coming over illegally. I know that sounds obtruse but they should still learn the language of where they are going to live. And maybe the next thing that they can learn to follow is the legal system here. I don't know, maybe start in Social Security, then go to IRS, then travel on over to the police station for all fines of overdues ie:skipping border, etc. Now that would be a bonus.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Have you tried reading a question and answering it with out a typo in another language? try spanish
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Well, I think it's pretty much that the only people who would bother writing you would be the out of control types. If you wrote something extremely pro-illegals, you would hear from out of control anti-illegal people with similar anger and stupidity.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Cause they are stoopid!! border jumpin beaners! or they are sleeping with a stoopid border jumpin beaner!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Well, put it this way, you know what it feels like when you are in a situation where your adrenalin goes way up? Like that fight or flight thing kicks in? Nearly everyone has had this sensation at one time or another. Such as when you know you were speeding and suddenly you see a cop in your rear-view mirror with his lights flashing and you are sure he is coming for you and so you obediently pull over, but he passes on by because he is going after someone else? (Breath a sigh of relief and sit there for awhile 'til your heart calms down and your palms stop sweating.) Well, I think the illegals and their supporters are feeling this now: (employers who are taking advantage of them for the slave labour and paying them illegal wages, slumlords who are charging 2 or 3 times what their dump properties are really worth because they know the illegals are just glad to have a place to live, even if they have to have 20 of them living in the one bedroom apartment in order to pay the rent and still have megabucks to send back home, filthy rich people who are too cheap to pay a legal resident a proper wage to mow their grass, look after their kids, or clean their houses, etc., and those usual bleeding hearts who just think we have enough money to help all of the poorest of the poor throughout the world.) Well, I think they are all feeling that horrible adrenalin rush right now, because they know the illegals' days are numbered in the USA because the crackdowns that are happening now are only going to snowball and so they are all on red alert right now, and so they should be. I've seen on the news that they are now, more and more, afraid to leave their homes even to go to work or walk their kids to school, for fear of being picked up by the police or INS, and so they should be! Yes, this is happening and it is going to happen more and more because the citizens of the USA aren't going to take it anymore! They are suddenly realizing that AMNESTY ain't gonna happen! They are scared! The border is being sealed up and even when they get their butts deported, they aren't just going to be so easily able to turn around and run right back, and they are seeing this. The Mexican border towns are freaking out over the suddenly increased numbers of deported Mexicans who are being plopped there and they can't deal with them. TOO BAD!! The American citizens are sending them a message that the illegals would be wise to heed - we don't want you, go back home, and don't come back unless you are able to do it through the legal immigration process! The days of freebies and handouts from the citizens of the USA are quickly ending! No more! Go home and make your countries places you don't have to leave in order to have a decent life! The illegals and their supporters know all of this and so they are grasping at straws and stammering and stuttering and yelling that they have rights and they are just trying to provide for their families and they are just doing jobs that the Americans don't want to do, but they know that this rhetoric is bulltweedy and they are going to go, whether we have to take them out kicking and screaming or whether they leave in dignity, pack up their families and go.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
It is because they are ignorant and uneducated and use emotion to solve their problems and make decisions. I'm sorry, there really isn't more to it than that.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Many Americans expect illegals to keep a safe distance. When a stranger steps in our "safety zone" it is threatening to us. We often speak our peace, which may offend illegals/supporters but we are only protecting ourselves. They become defensive and retort in the only way that they can, since they cannot communicate in our language as well. If they can't respond intelligently, they may get frustrated and use profanity to vent these frustrations.Unfortunately, we also get defensive when we are faced with an overwhelming intellectual challenge (teachers, traffic court, etc) and blame the messenger for delivering something that we don't want to hear. Let's be patient and not look for debates so quickly, that way we can understand one another and help others to grow intellectually and culturally.
by (4.5k points)