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+79 votes
Why do some people struggle to engage in constructive debates when they disagree with Americans?
by (4.2k points)

18 Answers

0 votes
I think they believe if they scream loudly enough, no one will hear the truth. It's a huge temper tantrum. Since they have no legal ground to stand on, they will use what ever they think will work. Now, I think what we are hearing is a lot of anger mixed with great frustration because Americans aren't rolling over!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
i get them all the time and i take it like it is desperation i don't agree with them yet i don't send them private hate mail i have gotten some i would dare not repeat lol desperation in its purest form i would be happy to debate with them but there are very few whole will in a civil matter there are a few that will though and to those thank you for you can never make someone understand or want to understand you with hate
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I am not an illegal supporter! The republicans are because they need people to work as slave labor.. . If the government went after the employers of illegals and gave them a hefty fine like they are suppose to, there probably wouldn't be many illegals except those who go to college her and decide to stay!. . I don't like racist remarks of those who seem to hate them!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Let me tell you something,"Princess".Just because you agree with the majority doesn't make you more intelligent.It makes you more of a "sheep".And trying to make it seem as if ALL of the "illegal supportes" only curse and call names really doesn't make you any better then the ones that do do that.Didn't you just call all of them "stupid Mexicans"?hhhhmmmmmm,isn't that "name calling"?Yes,"princess",you have really showed your level of intelligence on this question.You should go write another paper on the "illegal immigrants" or as you call them "stupid Mexicans".
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I know what you mean Princess, I have noticed that here. They are unwanted trespassers in this country and have NO right to say anything really. I am sure by now they have figured out they are not wanted in America. They just expect the American people to be as stupid as our government I guess. NOT going to happen. I have been paying close attention to this whole immigration issue and FINALLY I think Americans are waking up. I will be beside myself when NC passes a law to start deporting them. Praying for it actually.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
What excuse is good for breaking the law?. . Others didn't before them. Millions came here from all over the world--many sad stories and they didn't break the law.. . Most of us didn't break the law if we grew up poor or without stuff even though many in America had more. . . We have thousands starving, homeless here they are not running to Canada in masses. . I
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I have gotten them too. Yes, they are always stupid. I have never got one that didn't have bad language. And they think we will take them seriously? Yeah right. Don't pay any attention to them. Look at who it's coming from. Their opinions don't matter. They don't even have any rights here, except to LEAVE MY COUNTRY!!!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Maybe because they know they are wrong, so its all they have. I pray someday we get someone in the WhiteHouse that will kick all the illegals back to Mexico. Bush is putting the Guard down on the border, and that should help stem the flow, but he wants to offer amnesty to the 30 million or so here illegally already. The House will block it though, and maybe a real bill will be announced. One that will not include amnesty or allow anyone that came here illegally a free pass. Make them all go home and come back legally, no matter how long they've lived here. Doesnt matter if they have children born here either. Illegal is illegal, period. . . Go home Paco!!!
by (4.4k points)