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+120 votes
Why do I consistently see a blank screen when visiting certain websites?
by (4.4k points)

4 Answers

+107 votes
Best answer
Top of web page tools internet options delete files delete cookies clear history, content clear ssl state autocomplete clear forms, then go to your C Drive Windows Prefetch delete all thats there but not layout.. Then switch the power of to your modem and leave for 5 Min's then switch back on and leave for another 5 Min's.. Do the usual scans with your anti virus and spy/adware progs.. . Hope this helps.. . Good Luck.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Thats odd... Maybe your browsers cache is corrupted. . Try this *assuming Internet Explorer* Goto tools/Internet options. . Press the button that says DELETE FILES. . Wait.. because this might take up to 10 minutes.. . See if that helps.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Ur web connection is OK?....did u access porn site lately?......Probably u got a bad prgm running in..go to lava software page and download some ad cleaners and Trojan killers....also the clean up prgm.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
the zone alarm is prob blocking them, that stuff is crap if you want to see anything on the net that uses a port besides port 80
by (4.3k points)