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+10 votes
What were the reasons for Florida's decision to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy?
by (4.4k points)

7 Answers

+38 votes
Best answer
The information on the website listed below, along with others, suggests a number of factors contributed to Florida's decision to secede from the Union. First, Florida had a plantation economy which by necessity depended on slave labor; this allied them economically with the other states in the Deep South. Second, politically many Floridians favored giving power to the states, as opposed to the federal government, a view which again allied them with the states of the Deep South, particularly South Carolina and Georgia. Third, (and this is my own surmise) geography probably played a part in the decision: should Florida remain a part of the Union and war ensue, it would be cut off from the rest of the Union through land routes and might become a popular staging ground for attacks into the underbelly of the South, with Union troops arriving by sea.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
Too much sunshine rotted their brains.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
i think because they wanted to have slaves or something to that effect. . dont take my word for it tho im not exactly sure
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Florida was (sometimes I think it still is, depending on the area you live and who you talk to) a pro-slavery state.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
The entire war at the time was over economics. Florida was an agricultural and shipping center, and The north was more of a manufacturing base. Also, the power politically was in the north, as well as a LOT more money. Those robber barons of the railroad and steel industries lobbied congress for tariffs and such that made it virtually impossible for Florida to export it's agricultural products to Europe where they could get a better price, therefore forcing them to ship the goods to the north, where the buyers controlled the price and lowered demand. This was the case with ALL if the Confederacy. Anyone who says different is just focusing on the slavery issues, which the Confederate States of America Congress had already voted to abolish. It wasn't over slavery as history would indicate, but over simple economics. Those in the north that had it, tried, and pretty much succeeded in keeping those in the south from obtaining it. (It being wealth and power). And the southern states tired of it, and formed their own sovereign state and seceded from the union. Which is why it was not a Civil War, because a civil war is an uprising against the government. We never rose up militarily against the union. We seceded from the union. They actually committed the first act of war by blockading southern ports with naval ships. The south fired the first shot, but it was justified, because US Naval ships were denying access from the open seas as well as ships needing to leave port to deliver goods. The Confederate states were formally recognized by all other major governments at the time in Europe and Central and South America, and joined by another sovereign nation, The Republic of Texas, which at the time was a separate nation, not a state or territory. In other words, Florida did what they thought was best for their economic standing in the world community. And they stood up against oppression from those in power who would have them bend at their will.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
because it seemed like a good idea at the time, and disneyworld hadn't been built...grin. Actually because Florida was in agreement that state's rights superceded that of the federal government.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
They were cornered
by (4.4k points)