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+67 votes
Why is the Social Security system in the US so inefficient and challenging to navigate when seeking benefits?
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+26 votes
Best answer
Lots of reasons really, heres a couple.. It is a slush fund for big goverment to steal from.. They give it to people who never paid into it ever.. And they keep raising the age limits on it in the hope that you will die off before you can collect it. which leads us back to the first one.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
if you're talking about social security it's mostly because of the baby boomers.... you see, social security is not a straight fund like most people think; every working American is paying out of their paycheck some social security for someone else as we speak. in the 50s, for every person that retired there was at least fifteen (unretired, working) people that was paying for that person's social security. now, because of the baby boomers, there's not enough money to cover everyone because there's too many people who is retiring at the same time. every 6 seconds, a person turns 50 think of that. o.0 so now instead of 15 people per retired person, there's only 3 people per retired person. . . we wouldn't have so much of a problem either if the government wasn't taking out part of those funds either. they've been wanting to privatize ss for a very long while now.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
This is the question of the century, I have been waiting for 14 months for a hearing. Seems wrong that there is that much backlog in the system and why can they not hire more people to speed things up.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Bush used billions on Afghanistan!
by (4.4k points)