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+14 votes
Why don't people seem to be angry at legal immigrants?
by (4.4k points)

18 Answers

0 votes
Legal immigrants pay income and property taxes, get valid identification, and participate in society. They qualify to vote and take out loans and buy houses as citizens. Their money stays here, especially tax money that supports things like welfare, roads, infrastructure, and schools. If they came illegally originally, they have seen the error of their ways and corrected it because it's obvious they want citizenship and not just a free ride, so it's easy to forgive.. . Illegal immigrants practice identity theft, don't pay income taxes, and generally mooch off the welfare system because Mexico doesn't support its citizens with living wages or a welfare system at all. They also usually don't spend their money here in the states, they send it back home to their families in Mexico. So they use our tax dollars to live, spending very little of their income here, send the rest to their families, and don't contribute anything to the tax base. It's putting a drain on our system. If you think Medicare and Social Security are bad now, just wait until this impact has reached its full effect. Don't even get me STARTED on property taxes and illegal kids in schools... . . Really, I blame Vicente Fox and his predecesors for our immigration problem. The people are trying to escape hardship because his government is corrupt and cares nothing about its people. Haven't they done enough to their own Native Americans that now the regular citizens of their country have to suffer as well? Despicable.... . We do need to tighten our borders to make Mexico deal with its own problems. The illegals need to stop coming because they perpetuate crimes such as child exploitation, coyotes, identity theft, and violence. Not that they themselves participate, but those that seek to take advantage of them do. If they stop wanting to come coyotes can't make money or steal your SS# or sell children to pedophiles or rape and murder women.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
well because we lett them in so why should we be mad at them we made them legal so we cant just turn around and say that they hav to do so and so
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
you and your desendants are gulty of being here illegally and they have many henious crimes they comitted along the way and I have'nt heard of any one asking you to leave yet... Mexicans are indigenious to the lands of the united states and were discrimating against them, thats just not right and we need to admit when were wrong and make it right and hope god forgives our tresspasses and crimes we have comitted against native people .. this land is there birth right and mexicans, american indian and hawaiians are more intitled to this land than anyone else on earth.. They dont need to get in line they should be in the front of the line over any other immigrants entering this country.. After all they are willing to live in peace with you.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Why do you assume that the majority of the legal immigrants entered illegally in the first place?? On the contrary, the vast majority of the legal immigrants have been legal from the beginning ... going through paperwork, getting their approval, and entering legally ... whether or not they married later is another matter ... . . If you refer to "way back when", all I can say is that the immigration laws were different then ... the country actually advertised for immigrants, did you know that? And they had to go through whatever screening they had then at Ellis Island etc., consequently following the laws of the day ... I don't know about you, but I never heard of invasions of people over the Canadian and/or Mexican border in days gone past ... so cop yourself on! ILLEGAL means breaking the LAW! The EXISTING law, the law of TODAY .....
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
My family came over as refugees from the Hungarian Revolution in 1956. They fled with just the clothes on their back by night, following the railroad tracks.. . American Soldiers guided my Grandparents to the Austrian Border, where they settled into a Refugee Camp until my Great-Uncle, sponsored their trip to the US, and brought them over.. . 50 years later, they are all Upper MIddle Class and would never have had the opportunities they were denied in Eastern Europe.. . Regarding your statement, unless you are a Native American, then all of us have origins to other countries.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I'm glad there here I think your family somewhere down the line migrated too!!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Okay? Let me see it makes no sense to be mad at the legal was because the are legal why is that so hard to understand. I also feel there is no way to be mad at the legal ones how do you prove that legal immigrants were once illegal. Do you have the Stats. on how many people are legal and are not ? Honestly in this case I really do not care because I am legal and i support migration as long as it is legal. My family applied for residence in America before we even moved here. when we got our papers then we came over. That is what the govt. should do. Plus we lived in europe how do those people come in iillegal
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Because they're legal. Hardly anyone minds immigrants coming in- this is the country of immigration, anyway. However, it's when it's done illegally that people get mad. You have to pay taxes to support the illegals ones who don't, after all.
by (4.4k points)