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+14 votes
Why don't people seem to be angry at legal immigrants?
by (4.4k points)

18 Answers

+37 votes
Best answer
The hate for "illegals" is just the newest accepted form of racism. People justify it by saying they hate them because they are breaking the law by being here, when really all it is is that they feel uncomfortable being around people that seem different. Do you think people would be so upset if Mexicans spoke English and had fair skin? Why aren't people worried about securing the boarder of Canada?
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
AMEN !!!!!!!!!!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I can't pick out which ones got legalized that way. So I can only go against the ones that are illegal now.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
everyone is welcome in England we are a giving nation
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Your question and comment assumes that most legal immigrants started out as illegal. While there are examples, such as the Cuban boat-people, that demonstrate your point; the reality is that most immigrants who wish to enter the US legally go through the appropriate channels, make the appropriate applications, wait the incredibly lengthy amount of time to get a response, and then enter our country legally.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Marriage does not make an illegal immigrant legal, they still have to apply for citizenship. There is a legal way to live here while you apply for citizenship, it is called a visa, and has to be renewed now and again.. . I don't believe you can gain citizenship if you are here illegally, you must have documentation of your time here, this is why you have to have a visa and show that you have a job, etc.
by (3.9k points)
0 votes
Not all immigrants came here illegally. . . I am a second generation Mexican American and my parents followed all the proper channels to gain citizenship. . . Why do you keep insisting Mexican people are all here because they broke the law to get here and obtain citizenship?????? . . Some of us did work very hard to come here and make this a better place. Were not all leeches feeding off the system. . . We work, pay taxes and are even involve in community service trying to make a difference in our communities. WE GIVE BACK TO OUR COMMUNITIES!. . What have you done to make a difference???? Do you go volunteer in hospitals where people are dying and give them some hope? . . Do you go to local schools and volunteer to mentor children less fortunate then your own???? . . Do you go to prisons and minister to crimminals when the rest of society has given up on them? We have done these things... . What have you done to make your community a better place??? . . Don't judge a group of people that you have no idea about.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Arent they? Most that are against illegal immigration wouldnt know the difference if they saw them on the street, so they are bound to hate them too. I dont see any reason to be mad at either of them.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Why do you think so many people came in illegally? Most didn't.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
You talked crap on my ??? Yes I payed taxes all thru my military career. I also was a voluntary soldier. I gave my life for this country(citizens). To fight outside our borders and to keep troubles away from home. You must be recently legalized or your parents were immigrants. Do you live in California? Well come here and visit for one week. You will have a differ attitude about mexicans(or maybe not if you were one). I am part latin. One of the towns I lived here in O.C. califronia when I was younger is swarming with Wetbacks. That town looks like shit now. It was a town of mex/american & white people. I consider myself white though since Im a mixed breed. Growing up in another town was mostly hispanics and ALL!! my friends were latinos(not wetbacks). My friends/Street did run the city. This town is at LA county east border(P-town). This town also has changed. It also looks like shit now. You response to my ??? was ingnorate. Just like mine. You were mentioning about taxes. I have a same business which I do pay taxes for that. . 16yrs ago people didnt have a hard time looking for employment. Mexicans say that white/blk people pick up change at fastfood drivethrus. Wetties go for a lower wage and kick the citizens to unemployment. . When a person thats legal cant compare with a illegal staus person. Even if that person became legal oneday ago. Theyre legal! So dont try to compare the 2!!!!!!! If I had my way I'd break all the illegals in half. But I dont. So that means I can be a Freaken jerk to all wetties in all the walmarts. They wont say nothing back cause the way I look scares them. I'm a BORN AMERICAN that dont take crap from any CHUNTADOS that get in my way! Most Chuntados and born american mex's dont even know the real meaning of Cinco De Mayo. Do you? I already know your answer! Most mex's say the same thing Independance day. From what? Read history! Also Gringo(it means in english "green go") means when the US military use to go to mexico the people there with broken english would say to the us soldier "GREEN GO". Look for it in the spanish dictionary. LOL It's called "ignorate VS educated"
by (4.4k points)