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+103 votes
Which sense is most crucial to human society and why?
by (4.3k points)

10 Answers

+119 votes
Best answer
Touch . Without offspring, the human race would disappear.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
sight because you dont need to hear to communicate you can use sign language and without sight it would be much harder to see the problems in the world and try to help fix them. it would be dangerous for 6 and a half billion people to be blind. it would be complete chaos.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Sight is the most important to me! My reason is based on a 2 minute thought as I read your question, actually faced in a situation where I had to choose I would have alot of question to determine what would fit in my life best.. . I choose sight because, with out it, I cant read, see my children, or see any thing for that matter. I think seeing is believing, and with out sight or hearing you may not have a grip on what is real or not, making life fairly lonely.. . Perhaps if you have sight, you can learn sign language, and of course read, so communication is possible. . You may even be able to find Doctors who can help you with the touching, or at least make it more bearable.. . I feel as if their is a alternative to many thing, but not sight. Seeing is some thing you want to do on your own, not with a Dog.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Sight! Without it, life for most of us would be downright depressing. You can get along ok w/o hearing (there's so much sh** I'd rather not have to listen to anyway!).. Music is sound and it'd be a pitty not to be able to hear it, but I'd rather do w/o music than art any day!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I was tempted to say sight, I think because trying to imagine life without it is, well impossible. I think, though, that the truly important sense is touch. Think about it. There has been studies done on babies who have been properly nourished and so on, but never held or touched, many of them died before reaching maturity and those that did live were often mentally challenged. I worked with a woman who is autistic, she was raised in an institute from an infant. She was looked after, but because of the amount of patients in this place, she wasn't given individual attention. Just what she needed. She was, according to records, normal before she went into this institute. Also I have read (I can't remember where or when even) that some people who have lost their eyesight have learned to 'see' colors through touch. Consider the nature of healing. How many of you remember mom rubbing your belly when you were a kid and had a belly ache? It worked! My mom rubbed my back and shoulders when I was in the hospital with a wicked case of the flu. I felt better and almost went to sleep sitting up. Some may say 'it's psychological' and yeah, some of it probably is. But the thing is, touch is elemental. It's more than sight in that it's base, elemental, but also far more refined in it's gentler uses. Massage, Reiki, even just rubbing your lovers sore feet. It can be erotic, loving, soothing, relaxing, healing, it can tell stories (yep) convey messages, transcend languages. Touch is where it's at. People don't do enough touching anymore. Hugging, handshaking, thumb warring. So whenever you get the chance reach and touch someone. Just make sure you have a good lawyer.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
All the five senses are equally important. Without the information we receive through our five senses we could not function as the beings we are. Each sense is important in its own right, but each has limitations. On the other hand, one sense can be used to compensate for another. The most effective way to receive information, of course, is to use all our senses in harmony.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It's a tie between vision and hearing. You could do without vision, because someone could always tell you about what you weren't seeing. And you could do without hearing, because we have sign language. But, without vision, you miss out on color and depth and just the beautiful world around you. Without hearing, though, you miss out on music and laughter and different tones of voices... so, I think both are important.
by (3.8k points)
0 votes
sight cause then u really need help for everything
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I think that sight would probably be the most important because even if you lost your sense of smell, touch, taste and hearing, you could still see the happiness, fear, pain, joy, ect...that people experience and know what they are "feeling" even if you can't touch.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Sight is the most important. Written records have allowed the sciences to be carried down through history with fair accuracy. Sight is also necessary for art, which has been called the universal language.
by (4.3k points)