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+65 votes
Why do malls seem to separate black people?
by (4.4k points)

4 Answers

+123 votes
Best answer
In no way to offend, anyone: I work at a retail store and it seems that the only people that steal on a regular basis are black women or the random crazy white guy. I've seen quite few shoplifters in my four years at this store. And usually when they are shoplifting, they do it in groups to try and distract the workers with dumb questions why the other women are stuffing things in their purses. It is sad that those people ruin it for the majority, but stores have to be careful.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
They certainly shouldn't be treating one group clearly different than another clearly on the basis of race. An attorney in your area might be willing to challenge this policy as a violation of your fundamental rights to equal protection and free assembly. Racial profiling, which is what they must be doing, is unconstitutional in a public or semipublic forum. Malls are in that category.. . But now I have a question for you. Why on earth would you want to travel in a pack of ten or more people? You do not want to be judged based upon the behavior of the least-well-behaved member of your group, and you cannot possibly control all of the members of a group that large. Way back when, when I worked in retail, we would never have allowed ANY group that large to come into our store and shop as a group. There were many reasons why (noise, litter, shoplifting--and, yes, the potential for shoplifting IS greater when a huge group of teens come into a mall store--and harassment of other customers, for example). . . Since you seem to care about your reputation, as well you should, please recognize that your reputation will suffer if you are perceived as part of a group where the least of your members behaves badly.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
That question dosent make sense. What do you mean groups of 4 or 10. Did you go on a field trip to the mall or something?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You contradicted yourself. You claim you don’t want to be stereotyped, but then include yourself within the group of bad choice makers. Maybe you should ask why you make the bad choices that lead to you being split up. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to blame others for your mistakes.
by (4.2k points)