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+87 votes
How can one become more talkative?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+50 votes
Best answer
for me... NOT POSSIBLE ask anyone who knows me, has ever met me or spent ANY amount of time with me.. . It's sooo very easy... just move you lips and words will come out... if there is sound you are talking... if no sound you are just thinking... verbalize your thoughts... how else will anyone know what you are thinking.. . Don't worry about what people are going to think... if it's your opinion it deserves to be heard.
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
just start makeing small chat nice weather, blah blah blah it doesent matter what you say after a few minutes something will spark and your have a conversation. Get a job in the public then you have to talk I did I started waiting tabels no talk = no tips
by (4.3k points)