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+98 votes
What are the reasons why time travel has not been achieved yet?
by (4.2k points)

17 Answers

+39 votes
Best answer
Relativistic time travel is possible. Time passes more slowly for an observer who is in motion relative to one that is at rest. The next trick is to define which is which, which is why Einstein won the Nobel Prize (although it actually wasn't for relativity, but that's another question).
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
"because we havent figured out how the space-time continuum works yet. but then... if we ever do find out in the future, wouldnt someone already have brought the secret back to us now so that we would already know?". . Well, you could always argue that in traveling back in time, yet another new dimension is created. There are unlimited dimensions when you think about it.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
it is possible....just not practicle
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Everything does NOT progress at the "same rate." Look into how things behave at relativistic speeds, or near very strong gravitational fields. Heck, even the satellites orbiting the Earth measure time at a slightly different rate than machines on the ground. Gravity effects the rate at which objects seem to experience the passage of time.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
oh ye of little faith.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
because time is not a thing, it's not a tangible object, it's not a place.. time is a concept made up by humans. it's simply a way of measuring the passing of the days. , pounds, gallons, minutes, hours, inches,.. all units of measurement.. we cannot travel time. There are many reasons for this. Just think of all the evil evil things people would do with this ability.. not only can we not time travel.. but if we could, we would all die.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Time travel is not possble. The idea is simple, the entire known universe WAS positioned a specific way in 1947. Every partical, every form of energy was taking a specific position. One atom is connected to the positions of all the atoms and the like in the entire known universe. Since 1947 every partical, atom or whatever have changed their positions radicaly giving rise to where they are at this very moment. To go to the past means one would have to reorganize the entire universe to the exact form it took in 1947, and then insert your body and vehicle in a space that was previously taken by other energy. Your effect on changing and adding to the mass total of the entire universe would instantly effect the outcome. . . If the act of time travel to the past was more than just us typing about would be a forward moving act of time. Your are permanantly attached to the universe. You can't unattach yourself and place it somwhere else without a cone of influence on everything. So..... Time represents the known position of the universe. Time=position. You are apart of that position. To go back into a previous position means having knowledge of the universe's exact positioning. The universe isn't on pause in its 1947 state waiting for you to visit. It's changed, done, a memory.. . . But, lets say on the infinite time is possible that the exact position of 1947s universe will happen again. Infinity allows for cycles to happen more than once, twice...and on and on. maybe 1947 is happening in your fingernail.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
its not that its not possible its that nobody has figured how to do it yet
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
it is not not possible it is possible and that we just havent figured it out yet.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Einstein said that for time travel you have to travel faster than the speed of light. There my friend is the problem.
by (4.4k points)