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+99 votes
What are effective methods to reduce weight, particularly in the thigh area?
by (4.5k points)

2 Answers

+82 votes
Best answer
Okay the girl that posted before me, that's a lie, you can work on certain areas of your body without doing another part of your body...Okay, for your thighs, lay on your side, and take your top leg and raise it up as high as you can, do this about 15 time starting out (increase as it gets easier for you) and do the same on the other side, another thing that is noticed that women who walk in heels lose fat in their calves and thighs, the higher the heel the better the effect! and also, get on your hands and knees, and swing your leg back as high as you can, without lowering the upper half of your body, this is also great for thigh and buttox!!! and if you want to lose weight, I suggest drinking slimfast (even the cheap stuff), and working out to richard simmons (people say he's gay, but who cares, his work outs are fun and they work) I used to weigh 346lbs when I was 17, doing slimfast and working out to Richard simmons (it was so fun I did it about 4 times a day though) I lost 136lbs in 6months, and let me tell you, I had 3 kids in the last 3 years, so now im kind of back up there, but have been recently doing the "smartburn" pill, slimfast and working out to richard and so far have lost 15lbs in 2 weeks...good luck on your diet plan hon!!!
by (4.1k points)
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there is no such thing as spot reducing or being able to loose weight from a particular body part.Reducing your overall body fat percentage,and doing exercises that can tone your thighs are about the only things you can do.For stretchmarks,vitamin E and A cream help,as well as going to a dermatologist and getting a prescription stretchmark fading cream.
by (4.3k points)