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+66 votes
Why do Christians acknowledge Santa Claus when he is said to be rooted in Satan?
by (4.4k points)

23 Answers

0 votes
It doesn't matter what it is rooted to. The fact is that Christmas is a happy and fun year for most if not all the family. Parents and family enjoy sending gifts that people will like. Santa also gives many children a reason to be good in the first place, to get presents. I used that trick on my neice and nephew last christmas, and it worked. They stopped being horrible in school and at home, and continue to do so. I wrote the letter from Santa. . . There is nothing wrong with this holiday and I always knew that there was no Santa, I was much smarter than my parents and knew that they wrapped the presents every christmas night, it's not that hard to find out and I was not mad. I still think the holiday is great. Anything of good report should be kept, God would have nothing wrong with this holiday as it does no harm.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
SATAN CLAWSSS!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH 666 666 666 666. . Ok, that was just to make fun of you a little bit and not be quite as angry in my response, even though I am EXTREMELY offended. Why don't you go pee on a Crucifix with Roger Maplethorpe in some glittery streaming orgy of hell and let me know how it feels, you f-ing blasphemer!. . SANTA CLAUS is beautiful and wonderful and perhaps one of the . last pure things children and adults have left to cherish in this world of filth. Santa is NOT derived from satan, you moron. He is derived from ancient Pagan Germanic winter Rituals, when families were starving and often had deaths in the family. Hulda would ride through the forests in her sleight collecting the souls of the deceased to later be baptised and consecrated when spring arrived. The wolves would howl, and children would hide under their beds. . . BUT AFTER Hulda had departed, her HUSBAND would come riding through on his sleigh carried not by hungry snarling wolves, but harmless, tender and juicy reindeer. Her husbands was cheerful and happy as it brought among other things fresh reindeer meat, warm clothes and food to last the remaining children and families throughout the winter. So people started celebrating the arrival of Father Winter knowing that the cooling and cold part of the year was half-way over, and they could celebrate a little as the days started to get longer and brighter. . . SATAN CLAWS!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHHA!!!! 666 666 666 666 66 66 6 6 6 666 6
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I don't believe he's rooted in Satan at all.. . Santa Clause is based on a poem about a man named Nicholas (Or saint Nick if you want) who gave a bunch of gifts to a couple of orphanages to celebrate the ultimate gift of all: Jesus Christ.. . He has become somewhat commercialized, though. Why? People no longer find it "convenient" to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. This should be stopped. What's wrong with Christians celebrating Jesus!?
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
is this part 2 to your Christmas question? If so, my answer is the same as it was in part 1 ;)
by (4.4k points)
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I read the website, and think it is absolute rubbish. Wake up to yourself and see all the good things that have happened because of Santa.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You must be a Jehovah Witness. Keep your beliefs and I will keep mine.
by (4.3k points)
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I don't think the man who became known as ST. Nicholas was evil sorry.
by (4.3k points)
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well i see another one of my crank views has been stolen
by (4.3k points)
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by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I read about half of that article, and still can't figure out how the line was drawn from Santa to Satan. Just because a legend is born from someone who may or may not have existed doesn't make it evil. The only thing I can conclude is that because of his name, that's how it's associated with Satan. Get real, chicky.
by (4.4k points)