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+66 votes
Why do Christians acknowledge Santa Claus when he is said to be rooted in Satan?
by (4.4k points)

23 Answers

+108 votes
Best answer
Yes, I know this. I hate the concept of Santa Claus.
by (4.0k points)
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0 votes
heh. Good one.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
First of all, Satan is a myth created by Christianity. The concept was derived from the Egyptian God Set or Seth. The Santa touted now, including the visage, was created by Coke as a marketing tool. Besides, the myth surrounding Santa is just an allegorical tale about the Christian god. Sorry, there is nothing in it that is Satanic.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
BULL>>.....!! You have been brainwashed by some folks who mean well, bless their hearts, but it's downright Bull!. I am from a Christian family who always celebrated Christmas with the inclusion of Old St. Nick! AND remembered it was Jesus' birthday! Don't even try talking to MY kids about "no Santa"!! Why, I'll hunt you down and.............................................! Who cares about "origin"?? Kids are supposed to have fun on that magical day as tradition would have it. Stuff your "origin", Girlie!!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
That is SO ridiculous!! Santa is NOT rooted from Satan. It's just coincidence that the name contains the same letters. Santa started from St. Nicholas who was a Christian..
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
What did he ever do to you? A big fat guy breaks into your house when your asleep and your mad at him? lol. You need to see a therapist.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
It's funny how you can say Santa is a product of evil and Satan or that he doesn't exist... I find it almost ironic that you can believe in god and not Santa Claus. They're both highly fictional tales and both must have some suspension of reality in order to believe in. . . Santa Claus, just to let you know, was created from both Pagan and Christian views from what I understand. But, it isn't the first time that xianity and paganism have formed a bond.. . Why don't you go shoot the easter bunny as well along with the easter eggs. . . And if you're going to get rid of Santa, might as well get rid of Xmas all together cos he wasn't born on Dec 25th, if he even existed at all.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
its harmless , get over it
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
So, a Catholic saint, patron saint of children, no less, is evil? Someone, Saint Nicholas, who dedicated his life to working with the poor, is evil? Get over it. You. Need. A. Life.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I don't care. I like Santa.. Your giving Satan power by doing this, by labelling him 'Santa'. . I'm not going to waste my time taking Santa out of Christmas, I'm going to focus on Bringing Jesus back in.. . The roots of your Christmas tree are very Pagan/Non-Christian too, will you take down your Christmas tree too this year? and your yule log? Mistletoe and Holly also should be taken down. You should also take down your wreaths.. This Easter will you not paint Easter eggs? Because they originated in Non-Christian cultures?. . You can go crazy trying to take away your family culture and your commercialized traditions.
by (4.3k points)