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+66 votes
Why do Christians acknowledge Santa Claus when he is said to be rooted in Satan?
by (4.4k points)

23 Answers

0 votes
Santa is an imposter! No Way! Damn.. . who cares? The Easter Bunny probably comes from Satan too but when you have kids, they enjoy it. They aren't taught evil, they are taught that Santa and Christmas are a time of giving and caring. Get off it.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Umm, Santa isn't real? And Satan? Umm, he isn't real either. He's just a myth, Christian myth. Many cultures have their own mythologies. Like the Greek and Roman myths of many gods and the like. As one example. Or King Arthor.. . Then again, I never did belive in demons. It's too fairy tail-ish. I mean if I'm going to believe in Satan I might as well believe in dragons and faries, Magic, and the Easter Bunny. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's all make-believe.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
A lot of Christians do not acknowledge or support the notion of lying to our children about Santa Claus.. I am one of them. I teach the true meaning of Christmas. The acknowledgment that Christ was born into the world through a virgin to make final payment to God for the sins of the world.
by (4.2k points)