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+59 votes
Why does my dog enjoy spending time in her crate?
by (4.3k points)

8 Answers

+85 votes
Best answer
she got the habit of it. she got used to dirty kennel.. . closed the other portion of the crate so the only portion left is enough for your puppy to stand and sleep. they would not messed their sleeping area.
by (4.2k points)
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maybe she is trying to make it smell her smell so other animals will leave it alone thats what wild dogs do
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
First, the crate may be too big. She should only have enough room to stand up and turn around. Get cardboard and shorten the crate or buy a smaller one if necessary. . Remember puppies can only "hold it" a few hours, so if you have to leave her all day it might be better to leave her in a bathroom with newspapers covering the floor. That way she can go and not make a mess.. You said something else though, that she will go again even if she has already gone when you leave her. My aunt's dog does this EVERY time she is left alone. The dog is pissed off and hates being left alone. Unfortunatly, you may never be able to break her of this because you leave and there is no one to stop and correct her when she goes. If you leave someone to try to correct her, she is not alone and doesn't poop. You see the problem. We were never able to break my aunt's dog of this, she just leaves puppy pads in front of the door where the dog usually goes and cleans up when she gets home.. Another alternative is to leave the dog outdoors, if possible. . I hope this helps. Good Luck
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I own pitbulls here is from my own experience.. . Get a open wire (metal) crate so the dog can see you and have adequate ventilation. DO NOT keep the dog in there all the time. Lay out newspaper a few sheets thick and a few pagesd wide on a floor that is not carpeted... and when your pup starts to squat pick it up and (saying NO...bad Boy/Girl) and put it on the paper. It helps to put a little of the pee or poop on the paper so it knows it should go there.. . After a few times the pup will start running to the paper to go.. . Then after a week of that...start taking it outside when it goes on the paper. And repeat the process.. After a few will lety you know it has to go by bugging you and or going to the door.. . Pits are smart and easy to train.. . If the pup insists on going...and not where you want it to...then use one sheet of newspaper rolled up and just lightly rap it on the face when saying no. It doesn't hurt it...just the sound frweaks it out enough to get it's attention.. . OR....get a very large catbox and lay a chunk of sod (grass) in it and get it used to the outside even faster..... I had to do that with one of my pups.. . Hope this helps.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Young puppies need to go out at least every couple of hours, if not more. It is very hard for them to last through the work day or the night. Also, dogs will try very hard not to soil their living space, but if you puppy's crate is bigg enough for her to soil one in and sleep in the other, she will. Make sure her crate is the right size for her, RIGHT NOW, not her adult size. You can replace her smaller puppy crate with a bigger one as she grows.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
my 9 year old rottie sometimes piddles in her cage out of spite.. i honestly think she does it to drive me crazy sometimes... i willt ake her out before we leave...let her get it alllllllll out and put her in the cage (which is rather large, not that you think i cram her intoa tiny cage) and turn around - and she's piddled all over the place!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
because she gets scared of bein' alone by herself
by (4.6k points)
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by (4.2k points)